Level 3
Film & TV
You are creating a 60-120 second teaser trailer based around your own fictional movie or television series. You must first do research into existing trailers, genre, use of sound and music, editing, their production, and marketing. This will help you develop your own idea and produce a trailer which effectively sells your idea and showcase your practical skills.
Choose a genre for your teaser trailer. You are free to select any genre you wish.
Watch, review, and write about a minimum of 5-10 teaser trailers linked to the genre you have selected. Upload the trailers to your Wix website. What are the conventions of a trailer?
Analyse the use of cinematography, sound, and editing. Find positives and negatives. Did the trailer make you want to watch the full version? Why or why not? What has inspired you? What film-making techniques would you like to experiment with yourself? Be very specific with how your findings will help with your own teaser trailer. What have you learnt? How will you use this to help develop your trailer?
Research Saul Bass and analyse his influence in cinema. Provide visual examples of his work and discuss any techniques you may use in your own creative project.
Create a collection of your own Foley sounds. This will give you the opportunity to experiment with audio editing before your assignment.
Define Contrapuntal and Parallel sound. Provide examples and discuss the impact music has on an audience. How does the music effect a trailer? What impact does sound design have on the audience? For example: Would a horror trailer be as scary without music?
Use your knowledge of contrapuntal and parallel sound in order to introduce a character. A short opening scene must be shot and edited using music which follows these audio theories.
research & Experimental Research dates
monday 1st november 2021 -
Friday 19th November 2021