Level 3
Film & TV
Pre Production & PLAnning
Analyse the lyrics. Post the lyrics from your chosen song and explore any key words or phrases which may inspire creative imagery. Does your song already have a story element you wish to explore?
Artist info. Write or create a video explaining why you have selected this song and some information about your chosen artist and the audience they appeal to.
Does your selected song already have a music video? Post it here and explain how you intend to create something different.
Create a mindmap detailing your thought process for this idea. Use https://coggle.it to achieve this. Post the style of music video you wish to create in the centre of your mind map. For example, Abstract. Then explore your idea. Include key terminology, influences, shot types, location ideas, and any other ideas.
Create a mood board. A visual representation of what you may wish to achieve with your music video.
Storyboard your idea.
Location information and photography. Organise when and where you will be filming. Use pre production paperwork templates to evidence this process.
Remember to complete a risk assessment before booking your equipment.
pre production & PLANNING dates
Monday 17th January 2022 - Friday 21st January 2022