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  • Choose a genre for your 30 second film. The challenge is to make your film 30 seconds exactly.

  • The choices are Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, Comedy. You will be introduced to each genre individually in class. Write an overview of each genre and their conventions with clear visual examples. Then select the genre you wish to create and explain why. 

  • Explore the power of target audiences, hardcore fanbases, and social media. Choose a minimum of 3 digital content creators and discuss the content they create and the audiences they attract. Is audience engagement important? Find examples of positive and negative audience/creator interaction to support your research.

  • Explore clickbait and digital media. Explain how social media marketing is used to attract audiences to film, TV, and other creative media products. Provide clear visual examples and analyse the effectiveness of this method.

  • Create a hashtag and potential social media campaign for your own 30 second film. This can be achieved through countdown images or a creative film poster. 

  • Design and create a clickbait thumbnail for your own 30 second genre film. This will be posted on your Instagram as a teaser and hype for your upcoming 30 second film. 

research dates

monday 13th september - friday 24th september 2021

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